Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What can be done to stop the madness of our children being harmed and families being destroyed, by a government agency, Child Protection Service, which claims to “PROTECT CHILDREN” and “PRESERVE FAMILIES? Our government will not acknowledge, listen, or act, upon the tragic harm they cause. With black and white evidence of what harm and destruction they are causing, they are not concerned. The lives and voices of children go unheard. Living in Indiana as a woman or child, is like living under the dictatorship of a government that allows women and children to be ignored and abused. The governmental officials will speak of what they plan to do to the media, but again, there is no one to complain to or any avenue for help when what is to be, is not. Many women and children suffer in Indiana.

To those who need the truth to explain why so many children die each year in the nation of The United States, especially the state of Indiana, we have an agency, Child Protection Services, that has been the ability to walk as a god, defame, ignore, and remove children from homes on mere hearsay. Cohersion and threats for parents to sign a CHINS paper or "Never see their child again". Parents are accused without being given the right to know what they are accused of nor the right for a jury trial, as parents are guilty until made guilty by not allowing the parents to prove their innocence.

This does not even begin to mention the concern of the untold numbers of “to be children” abortions done in secrecy in this state and nation, but also of a lack of Indiana’s ability to accurately perform autopsies for the children murdered under the care of the state, in order to, prosecute the perpetrator, which is not mandated. This would allow the citizens to be aware of how many children die under the state care, (direct lack of care), for the children they are supposed to be “protecting’!!

Department of Children, known as Child Protection Services, CPS for short, is a government agency for a child trafficking business, a BIG money business, NOT a “protection” agency.

Our children are being abused and killed at the hands of strangers and parents are loosing their entire hope for a piece of themselves to carry on in this world after they pass. Cultures and family heritages are being demolished by those that are to "protect". Until I was forced to witness how CPS truly functions within a secret circle of deception, I never knew the depths of sorrow that could be felt, after witnessing first hand, the crimes CPS has done to so many, and continues to do the same, today. Crimes committed by Child Protection Services and their affiliates, judges who are comfortable being passive and willing to allow both parents and children to be victimized, is the utter and complete destruction of many lives.

The truth is that the government agency, CPS, which is to protect children, fails to do so.

The belief that the elected officials will respond to their own constituents when the constituents plead and cry many letters out, phone calls, and walk-ins to the offices, for the help to save a child's life, is only a belief, without any truth or action upon the elected officials to note otherwise.

Child Protection Services is allowed to walk about as a god. They refuse to follow any law, act carelessly with the well-being and well-fare of the family unity, the parent’s character, and safety of the child.

Child Protection Services have no one to answer to, they investigate themselves, their freedom to use falsification and deception in the judicial courts, is their greatest power, second, to the strongest force of using fear, to make parents sign papers of CHINS and whatever else, as parents are told they will never see their children again if they refuse to sign the CPS paperwork. CASA and Guardian et Lit-em, and all other CPS affiliates will do the same. CPS is a breed of government that would make Hitler rise from his grave and smile.

Sadness, great sadness, is all that can be said, when one awakens to the facts that surround the numbers of children removed from their homes, alienation from their parents, and siblings scattered into different foster homes.

Families are devastated by mere hearsay and biased subjective emotions of a social worker or case manager, and a judges’ disregard for the oath taken. The Constitution is disregarded.

The truth is that many parents, who love and care for their children, are defamed without the ability to protect themselves or their children from the perjury and falsification of court documents done by the state workers. Children who are abused by foster parents are afraid to speak up, for fear of not being listened to.

The truth is that CPS, Juvenile judges, do not honor the taken oath, "For liberty and justice for all”, as hearsay, mere hearsay, is judged upon. No truth, no evidence, no facts, and no objective black and white clinical evidence, just hearsay.

The truth is that many children are in foster care due to the lack of the government agency, Child Protection Services, to assess, identify if an allegation has any validity, promote family relationships, intervene with careful planning to maintain family well-being, ability to evaluate all situations, and most importantly, CPS workers, fail to report factual truth. CPS workers function on hearsay, lies, deceptions, falsification of court records, and are willing to ignore the harm a child is in by the person CPS places the child into their care. CPS workers have no concern or fear to be held accountable or responsible for the accuracy of their actions.

If anyone thinks this agency has oversight to protect the citizens, that person is very wrong. This agency’s actions and functions are Criminality and extremely un-Constitutional!!

The Governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels:
After many letters, calls, and walk in visits to the State House, our Governor, Mitch Daniels, refuses to listen and failed to build that "Open door policy" he stated as a promise during his campaign. Indiana Representative, Evan Bayh, stated the “Governor is ultimately responsible for the actions or lack of actions of CPS”. Two employees under Mitch Daniels, were very well aware of what was happening to us and still happening to many others. Neither seem to be concerned. Though, Scott Zarazee, did write 2 years ago, he would look into the concern, but nothing more done or said.

The Attorney General, Steve Carter' office response:
..."the Attorney General acts as legal counsel for the State of Indiana. We do not have jurisdiction in issues such as yours."

This means, the Attorney General will do nothing to protect the citizens, parents, or children! It is okay for Dept of Children to commit perjury and falsification of court records. It is not about protection, it is about getting children in the system to waste money.

Also, this also means, that a large hospital can overdose infants, doctors can refuse a patient the right to choose their own trusted doctor, CPS can allow an overdose of medication to be administered, that is highly neurotoxin and nephrotoxin to a 5 day old infant, and allow the hospital staff to refuse to identify who they were. This is the same response from the Indiana Health Department. “There was not enough documentation in the medical record to make a judgment”. Well, duh, like the staff and doctors are going to document what they did?

Furthermore, the response from the Indiana Attorney General is no surprise, as the Attorney Generals Office will always deny claims against CPS, as the Attorney General will protect CPS, regardless of the cries. Unfortunately, citizens believe the falsehood regarding the Attorney General protects Indiana citizens. Quite similar, as citizens also believe the façade that CPS actually “protects” children or “preserves” families! Are we, the citizens of Indiana, so naive that we are simply paying an enormous amount of taxes without concern for any true necessary services to be rendered from our political leaders?

The Attorney General Inspector, David Thomas, response:
"" .. Do as you are told ... or loose...”

This means, the Attorney General Inspector is aware of the crimes and victimization of innocent citizens and harm to children, but no investigation will take place, citizens have no rights. But, isn’t investigation his job? He does get paid, right? For what?

The Head of Department of Children Services, James Payne, response:
""... I concur with the agency’s action in this matter."

This means that even though the CPS workers committed perjury, falsification of court records, and gave an infant to a man, not known to be the father, for him the bash in her head, beat her fragile body, then DCF staff refuse medical treatment, and then the staff to hand walk the abuser into court, and refuse to tell the judge of his cocaine, and THC use, Bi-polar and Manic Depression, multiple arrests for battery, theft, robbery, and more.

Even though this agency knew their allegations were all false, they still say they “substantiated” the allegations. By what you may ask. By perjury and falsification of documentation, of the social workers and case managers, employees paid for by the state. Doesn’t substantiated mean valid factual evidence? Not when it comes to CPS. They are not held accountable or responsible for the lives of any child. They willingly defamed an innocent mother, kept her new born child from her for 7 months, then CPS acted like nothing happened. This is NOT an isolated case, this is the norm. Child Protection Service staff are liars.

The Indiana Ethics Office:
"We have received your complaints against FSSA and/or DCS. The Investigator General has already reviewed your complaint and determined that neither the Inspector General nor the Ethics Commission has jurisdiction over this case.
Thank you for contacting us,...."

This means that there is not one person in the state that will help a parent or child that is victimized by Child Protection Services. Not one. Not your Federal, State, or Local Representative, nor your City Council, Prosecutor, Police, not one person is willing to step in to stop the crimes of CPS toward innocent parents, children, and families as a whole.

The Marion County Prosecutors office:
" ..... We cannot help ... our hands are tied.....”

This means that regardless of the crimes of the agency, CPS and their affiliates, their crimes go un-punished. They walk about as a god.

The former Director of Prevent Child Abuse Indiana, Andie Marshall, response:
“……..we advocate for systems that protect and support children. It is not an excuse but the sad reality is that Indiana has for too long allocated too little to meet the growing needs of families and people in stressful situations. We continually work to advocate for changes....(Editorial Indianapolis Indiana Star, by Tim Evans)….. It was about the children under state' care. Not parents. It was the total of children under state' care each year with a 25-30% of the annual total of children under the state' care to die at the hands under the state providers, state fosters, ect…..and has been for over the past decade..."

Over the past decade 25-30% of the annual total of children under the state’ care, DIE at the hands under the state!!!
Doesn’t this scare anyone? This means that even though it is known children are seriously abused and killed at the hands of strangers, placed into harms way by
the care of this agency, CPS, which is costing Indiana tax payers over 1 billion dollars a year, but they still get paid to cause more harm to our innocent and precious
children!!! Why not pump gas into a tank with a large hole in it, the effectiveness would be the same.

The State Representative for my area; David Frizzell response:
There was no response given to us as we sent hundreds of letters to all government officials begging for help from 4/20/05 through 12/05. No responses in return.
But when we noted that the Attorney General does no more than to claim and deny any fault regarding the actions of all government agencies, big businesses, or big political supporters, David Frizzell responded 06/19/07 when I commented against Steve Carter’ office, IAG, quickly saying:
“…… I am making serious accusations…..”

So, the life of a child or the defaming hardship of an innocent young woman is unworthy to be concerned about and not important enough to respond to the constituent, but the statement of concern regarding the Attorney General’ lack of concern or lack of action of the harm being done to the citizens by government,
Big business staff or big political supporters, are worthy to immediately respond to safeguard his fellow politician?

The Villages, who locate foster homes for the children CPS snatch from their homes, makes a financial fortune from the corruption of Child Protection Services. The Villages are finding foster homes for children that most likely had safe homes, but due to the ability to make false reports by CPS without any question for validity, children are forced to suffer, parents lives come to an end with a broken heart, destroyed family, publicly defamed, and forced to loose every penny they have or ever will have, in attempt to get back their children. Once children are removed from their parents, by CPS, chances are they are seriously abused or killed before they reach the age of 18 years old. Parents loose parental rights without a fair legal hearing. Hearsay is all that is used. Regardless of the facts, the truth, any and all evidence a parent has, the judge ignores the information, and the hearsay is rubber stamped as valid, false claims are documented as substantiated without evidence, and goodbye children!! Don’t laugh, this is a reality.

Governor, Mitch Daniels, Attorney General's Office, Steve Carter, Attorney General's Investigator, David Thomas, Head of Department of Children, James Payne, Indiana State Police, Marion County Prosecutor, Carl Brizzi, Local Police, and both CPS Attorneys and judges, are all aware of the fraudulent criminal actions of social workers and case managers, of CPS. However, it appears that no one has the integrity or ethical morals to do anything about it. How many babies are stolen all over the state? How many children are alienated from the parents and siblings without true cause? The greatest risk factors for children to be removed from their home has nothing to do with abuse or neglect, as single women, low income, battered and abused, or uneducated, are the targets to loose their children, The Constitution is supposed to protect us. Our elected Politicians are supposed to support the written law, protect the citizens, and both listen and act up the concerns and needs of the people!!

How corrupt can a state be? The public has the right to know what is going on. The rights of citizens are stomped on when CPS states, "Sign this paper or you will never see your child again". Or when a doctor forces un-necessary, very expensive, and very harmful medications, to an infant, with the aide of CPS placing the infant under state care without a court order, just because the mother wants to request her own, well know and trusted Pediatrician, to take over the healthcare needs of her infant. Many can testify to this bulling tactic. Many children are removed from their parents and siblings, not because they needed to be protected, but because, the state needs children in the system to make a federal re-reimbursement profit.

Doesn't this make anyone sick? Does it surprise anyone that none of our government officials believe the issue of children wrongfully removed from their home to be placed into harms way or for the state workers to lie and make a mockery of the courts, is worthy to be dealt with in a more vigorous manner? Indiana' political official are more concerned for their political party issues, not the citizens!!

It is the money, power, control to gain more money, at the expense of family unity and the children’s well-being. How many citizens are being abused by our own government? MILLIONS!!
Who can or will investigate? NO ONE IN OUR OWN GOVERNMENT FROM THE GOVERNOR DOWN TO THE POLICE Detective or Investigators!

"Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilts prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear: To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress" Psalm 10:17 - 18.

Do not the words, "One nation, under God, indefensible, with liberty, and justice for all", mean anything? Does it? What liberty, what justice, what rights in the Constitution, does CPS follow, honor, cherish, or
give respect to? NONE! Again, the new age Hitler Dictatorship of CPS is real and stealing the rights of parents to be parents and children to bear the right to have heritage of their own family. What a shame, a criminal act towards all citizens in this state of Indiana, and of the nation!!

We do not need more state workers in Indiana. We need state workers that know the difference from truth and fiction, honesty and perjury, and skilled with the ability to assess all situations objectively rather than personally biased values to project their own subjective issues onto the families encountered. We need judges that have the desire to be involved with the families and the issues that can be managed as a family unit, to ask for evidence rather than accepting hearsay, and if the case has no basis, the judge should drop the case immediately!

When a young mother fled an abusive man, to protect herself and infant from domestic abuse, CPS made sure the abuser could abuse the infant, and he did, CPS handed the infant to the man without any proof of being the father, allowed he to bash her skull in, then CPS workers, refused medical treatment for the infant. Many pleads and begging for help at the Prosecutor’s Office were made, in person many times, phone calls, black and white evidence handed, 911 calls, and letters, to no avail, as Myron Hockman, Community Prosecutor, Linda Majors, Stacy Hawk, Lisa Borges, then Chief of Staff for Prosecutor' Office, refused to care, listen or act. Myron Hockman, laughed at the 911 tape of the mother being battered, and the courts refused to serve a protective order filed by an attorney, 11/08/05. "Shatter the Silence" is ignored by the political figures in the state of Indiana, as women and children are meaningless.

Just what do any government workers do for the people in Indiana? We pay for what? Victimization, ignored, lied to, terrorized, and oppressed.
Why do we even have an election? Campaign promises are lies.

Perpetrators of Maltreatment is: Child Protection "Predator" Services
CPS commits un-punished crimes against innocent parents and children and destroy families for Federal $$$Funds

Physical Abuse – 59 by parents 160 by CPS
Sexual Abuse – 13 by parents 112 by CPS
Neglect – 241 by parents 410 by CPS
Medical Neglect – 12 by parents 14 by CPS
Fatalities – 1.5 by parents 6.4 by CPS FACT: Number of Cases per 100,000 children in the United States. These numbers come from The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) in Washington.

> One in four children, under state care WILL die.

Why is Indiana the number one state for the deaths of children? Lack of accountability, responsibility, & oversight.

Why do foster parents and institutions get by with abuse and murder? Lack of accountability, responsibility, & oversight.

Is there any question?

"Woe to those who make unjust laws,and those who issue oppressive decrees,to deprive the poor of their rightsand withhold justice from the oppressedof my people." Isaiah 10:1

I am a professional woman that has witnessed Methodist Hospital violated the right for a mother to choose she own known and trusted doctor, as a Methodist doctor directed the violation of activity toward the patient, and all other hospital staff refused to allow the patient a Patient Advocate, professionals re-wrote the medical chart, forced the mother to sign a waiver for a second opinion on the legal document of Methodist Hospital as mother was threatened to never see her baby again it she refused to sign, forced the mother to also sign a CHINS paper for CPS, overdosed a 5 day old infant with a highly toxic medications without any rationale, signs or symptoms to pursue to do so, and CPS staff defamed an innocent mother, by perjury, falsification of documentation, and violating their own policies and procedures. CPS continued to hand an infant to a man that bashed in her skull concave, but the CPS workers refused to allow the infant medical care. My family' life and belief with NEVER be the same. This is how women and children are treated in Indiana. May God help us all who suffer?

Please visit a website:
Children, do not have to be abused, raped, or mistreated, please, their voices must be heard!!!! Many children are being abused under state care, parents are being defamed, and families are being destroyed, needlessly. This must stop!!


revealtruth said...

Admission Diagnosis: Hyperbilirubin & Dehydration
Discharge Diagnosis: Hyperbilirubin & Dehydration

A mother is horrified, cohersed, threaten, and defamed, as Methodist Hospital released the infant after birth in poor condition. The lives of the mother, infant, and all family members will never be the same. If you plan to receive care at Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana, do so at your own risk, do not ask questions, do not inquire what drugs or doses you are given, do not ask for the side effects, and absolutely, do not ask for your own doctor to continue your care. Asking for your own doctor, may cost you your life or to be defamed regarding refusal of medical care. Beware. You may find yourself in the emergency room to be treated for the bizzare and malicous treatment of the doctors, social workers, and nurses. That is what happened to a young, first time mother, who was so threatened, cohersed, and mistreated, that the mother had to go to the emergency room, from her infant's hospital room, as the mother was with chest pain, vomiting, and trembling. Quality care, like no other.

Methodist Hospital staff, all nursing staff who refused the patient advocate, to acknowledge and continued the overdose of medications and fluid overload to the infant, refusal to acknowledge the multiple request for her own doctor, who was willing to take on the case.

The doctors failed to:

Obtain the Consent to Treatment, from the mother of the patient, continued to write orders and have the orders carried out after mother requested a different opinion from her own doctor, her own pediatrician.

Refused for mother to have the right to choose the hospital of choice, when requested to have her infant transferred to a different hospital, as she feared the horrible lack of respect and treatment that was given by the Methodist Hospital staff and doctors.

Refused for mother to have the right to choose the physician of choice, her own well known, respected, and trusted, pediatrician.

Refused for mother to have the right to be informed of treatment provided to her infant, with a rationale that was valid by an assessment of what the situation and condition of the infant was.

Refused for mother to have the right to see the documentation of the medical record, until after she begged and had to repeatedly tell this doctor that she had the right to review the chart.

Refused for mother to have the right to have corrections and amendments made in the chart of her request for a second opinion and her own pediatrician to be added into the documentation of the chart, which was requested many times, and requested and re-stated by another professional, the mother' mother.

Refused for mother to have the right to request information and be provided the rationale of the treatment that is provided for an informed decision and the choice to have a second opinion.

Refused multiple requests made by mother to have the right to request a different physician for a second opinion.

Refused for mother to have the right to request her own private, existing physician to continue the plan of care, if it was noted and assessed as such to be medically necessary by her own trusted doctor.

Ignored the clinical signs and symptoms of hyperbilirubin, chose to continue without question highly toxic medication that is carcinogenic, neurotoxic and nephrotoxic, at an extremely high dose greater than the manufacturer’s recommendation for the age and weight of the 5 day old infant.

Ignored the clinical signs and symptoms of fluid overload, as the infant weight gain was increased greater than one pound in less than 24 hours, causing tachycardia, dyspnea, and decrease of over all pulmonary decrease of perfusion, and great stress to the infant, requiring un-necessary radiation exposure as a chest x-ray was done.

Methodist Hospital staff knew the infant did not exhibit clinical signs and symptoms of what the doctor fabricated in her mind, and other doctors under the staff doctor made statements that they knew all labs would be negative, but continued to allow the administration of a very toxic medication, that has now caused a neurotoxic brain lesion, with side effects of seizure activity related to the focal and generalized epiform spikes found and noted by an EMG. (This waqs even attempting to be hidden from the mother, as the Methodist/Clarian Neurologist office made call to the mother, that all tests were normal, but this was not true.) Multiple testing and other tests were done to mother several weeks prior birth, with negative results. The staff doctor did not even listen or acknowledge that fact the infant was released from birth at Methodist less than 24 hours, before having to come back with a high bilirubin level.)

Methodist Hospital staff allowed my newborn infant to suffer a traumatic lumbar puncture that was not necessary.

Continued without question three times greater than the normal dose of the highly toxic IV medication for a 3 month old infant, and was not recommended for a 5 day old infant of near 6 pounds, of which was a toxic dose, and not recommended at all for infants unless absolutely necessary, of which it was not.

The long term adverse side effects of the given medications are carcinogenic, neurotoxic, brain lesions, brain tumors, and nephrotoxic. It has already been found that the infant has a life long condition of seizure risks from the medication administered, as the infant suffers from neurotoxic brain damage. The baby did suffer a left hemispheric brain lesion due to this un-necessary administration of drugs.

Methodist Hospital staff allowed the treatment to continue, even though there was no signs or symptoms, or any evidence of the issue, and took the statement from a delusional man that claimed to possibly be the father of the child, but was not on the new birth certification from the hospital as such, and failed to valid this man’s claim with an actual medical diagnosis from a doctor.

Methodist Hospital staff without signed consent, information was obtained and documented as such by someone other than the birth mother, on the history of the infant. HIPPA was violated regarding confidentiality. There was NEVER a court order obtained to force the mother and her baby to be held against her will and for her rights to be violated to not have my own doctor.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to validate the information received by someone other than the mother.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to acknowledge that the infant was just born and released from Methodist Hospital in pooor condition, dehydrated with an elevating bilirubin requiring the infant to be re-admitted to the hospital for hyperbilirubin and dehydration.

Methodist Hospital staff the infant discharged from the hospital after birth with questionable condition of the infant, as the infant had signs and symptoms of dehydration and was jaundiced, but was ignored by the attending discharging MD, and was required to be readmitted less than 24 hours after discharge with the same signs and symptoms of dehydration and an increase of bilirubin and jaundice.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to assess and identify the diagnosis of the infant upon discharge from the hospital after birth.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to assess and identify how long the infant discharged from the hospital before re-admitted to the hospital.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to acknowledge that mother had personally brought infant to the emergency room at Methodist, for the medical well-being of the infant as ordered by the clinic, but this professional had no problems making false allegations toward the mother of "refused necessary medical treatment" for her infant, just because she requested to make a choice for a second opinion with her own trusted doctor.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to acknowledge that mother did not request this professional to be the doctor of her infant, as the doctor was staff at Methodist Hospital .

Methodist Hospital staff failed to obtain a clinical update on the medical issues reported by the clinic of the infant before making a decision to continue to order a highly toxic medication without reason.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to review the recent discharge orders of infant before making decisions of the plan of treatment.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to honor and respect the policy and procedure of the hospital for a patient to be treated with dignity and respect, maintain personal privacy, keep the medical records confidential as required by law, give a clear explanation of the medical condition and allow the right to be part of the treatment decision, such as choosing own personal doctor, allowing the requested amending to the medical record, and the right to refuse and fire a doctor that was not trusted, and failed to be grant a second opinion, or to see the patient advocate.

Methodist Hospital staff allowed many doses of overdosed toxic IV medications to be continued to be given, even after the test results of the labs being all negative, of which added to the toxicity the infant suffered, for no cause or valid medical rationale.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to comment or acknowledge mother's request a second opinion.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to make any documentation of the multiple requests mother, who begged and requested for a second opinion.

Methodist Hospital staff refused to acknowledge that the grandmother gave clear notification that mother's personal Pediatrician, had accepted the care of the infant.

The staff of Methodist Hospital, willing and knowingly condoned and did nothing to prevent the LSW, to defame the mother, as he placed a call to Child Protection Services with the false allegation that mother was refusing medical necessary medical care, rather than to allow the mother the right to have her own doctor continue the care of her infant.

Documentation by the LSW, was that the mother's parents were in the room, and security was called for a 'hot spot'. However, the mother' parents were at a play at the MURAT, and did not appear into her room until well after 5 pm. This documentation made by both the doctor and social worker was false.

Methodist Hospital staff and doctors, failed to have a court order, signed by a judge, in order to continue the treatment against the consent of the mother for a total of 5 additional days. Methodist staff nurses continued to administer the over dosed toxic medication without a rationale against the wishes of mother, that begged for a second opinion.

Methodist Hospital staff allowed Child Protection Services to force the mother to sign a Methodist Hospital Legal Form to “Waiver the right for a second opinion”.

Methodist Hospital staff continued to treat the infant after the mother requested to terminate Methodist staff and doctor' services, and continued to beg to be allowed her own doctor to treat her infant.

Methodist Hospital staff ignored a patient’s right, the Indiana Statute regarding a patient the right to choose a healthcare facility of choice.

Methodist Hospital staff ignored a patient’s right, regarding a patient the right to choose a doctor of choice.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to honor or respect the mother, as she expressed concerns of the plan of treatment ordered for infant, & ignored the mother's questions with regards to the safety welfare of her child.

Methodist Hospital staff refused for the mother to be given the ability to speak to the Patient’ Advocate before Child Protection Services was called.

Methodist Hospital staff demanded and threatened for the mother's family, mother and dad to leave and not tell anyone what was going on, or never see the infant again, and to be un-necessarily removed from mother/infant's room and ban from returning to visit either of them, which harmfully resulted with leaving the mother to be without any support from her family, as this mother was being defamed, falsely accused, and having her rights stomped on as information was being given to others and information was being obtained from others and documented into the chart that was not consented for.

Methodist Hospital staff refused to take any measures in attempt to resolve the mother's concern of the high risked, toxic medical treatment given to her child, and her request for her own doctor, before Child Protection Services was called with lies and false allegations of refusing medical treatment, of which was not so.

Methodist Hospital staff failed to make any attempt for the infant to be seen by a different doctor, as mother requested, such as her own personal doctor rather than to allow a call to be place to Child Protection Services with inaccurate information, of which defamed, wrongfully accused, and ignored a patient’ right the have the right to choose their own trusted doctor.

The Licensed Social Workers:
LSW, falsely documented that the mother's parents were in her room at 3pm, so he called security about a “hot spot”, but my parents were not in my room or at the hospital until a little after 5pm. He re-wrote his documentation as did the above doctors, as the writing was much more readable when I received the medical records, than what it was when I first did a chart review at the hospital, when I was able to finally beg long enough to have the right honored. “Hot spot” is what this social worker documented about me just because I fired the Methodist doctor, and wanted to be transferred to the requested and accepting doctor' hospital for better care. The mother requested to have a second opinion and her own doctor, but this social worker stole that right away from her and has caused a bigger issue from his lies and lack of professionalism and providing sub-standard care less of that required by his licensure.

LSW, obtained, documented, and discussed, the medical care of the infant to others without my signed consent. She made documentation of what was told to her by someone other than the mother, and she did nothing to help the mother gain communication with the patient advocate. She was negligent by allowing forced medication of toxicity to be continued without a signed judge ordered court order to force the mother and her infant to be held hostage, while the doctors and nurses continued giving un-necessary toxic medication that has resulted with my baby having a neurotoxic brain lesion with intermittent seizure activity for the rest of her life.

Methodist Hospital staff, security, ward clerks, and all others, did nothing to protect the rights, integrity, dignity, and care for the mother and her infant. The mother was laughed at, mocked at, and given nasty looks as if she was some naked wounded animal in a bear’ claw trap.

Nothing can take away the emotional abuse this mother was forced to suffer or remove the brain lesion my baby now hasdue to the negligence of the doctors and staff involved at Methodist Hospital, in Indianapolis, Indiana.


But CPS can do what they want to do. They can lie and stomp and any citizen' rights, as no one in Indiana has jurisdiction of the government agency that is no more than a facade to 'protect children', but a human trafficking child laundrying business, of which makes great bundles of cash from the federal incentive programs, without having to justify the utilization of the funds.

Social Workers involved: 2

This is just one of the many complaints sent to the Attorney General' office, but ignored. Is this why unfortunate deaths of infants and drug overdoses occur, as a life or a patient' right to have a voice is ignored?

Citizens of Indiana need to know that there is no accountability in Indiana for the state workers or Methodist Hospital. Many want to know how they investigated when they did not obtain any information from the witnesses.
The Indiana Attorney General' Consumer Protection Division investigates without even speaking to the witnesses. How can one investigate without including the witnesses?

More than appalled by what occurred, I cannot tolerate the thought that these behaviors are common practice by nurses and social workers at Methodist Hospital. Either Indiana Health Department or the Attorney General' office is aware of patient' rights or any other medical violation that was made. This is why in Indiana, medical care received at Methodist Hospital is received at your own risk.

Anonymous said...

Welcome, I love it another Indiana blogger. One who is as feisty as I am. I will add this to my list of links. Sadly Indiana fears me. They don't like hearing my voice at all.

PR said...

Please stop posting the same comment over and over again on my blog. Thanks